~My heart feels the need to help~

I just added an update to my Etsy shop pledging 20% of all sales to NieNie’s Recovery Fund.  I was reading the recovery blog and saw that there were other etsy sellers doing this, so I jumped on in.. You can do the same by going here.

NieNie Dialogues author Stephanie has been in a terrible plane crash along with her husband..

There has been a very sad event happen to a beautiful young family. This has really touched my heart and I wanted to share it with you~NieNie/Stephanie a young mother of 4 was in a plane crash with her husband.   

Her sister is blogging and updating everyone via her blog cjane.
I feel for her children who have had their lives turned upside down, faced with horrible fears of what the future might hold for them as a family. I feel for her family trying to hold everything together and care for all those that need care.. I feel for Stephanie and her husband, what horrors they might have possibly felt prior to the crash and all of the pain and suffering they are undergoing as they still actually fight for their lives… My heart is heavy. As a nurse I have worked in a burn unit not by choice but by demand when I was first starting out many years ago… I have memories literally seared into my memory of patients I will never forget, nor their stories.  It is a very long and painful road to recovery. There are many things that will not be the same for these young parents. I want to help in anyway that I can, just to show support and to try to help in a very minuscule way.. so I have posted a link on my site to a site that will help generate funds and post and update all fund-raising efforts.
here is a link to a fellow blogger One More Moore who is holding a fundraiser on Sept 23 on Etsy I will be donating something to her event. If you so feel inclined just check out the links and do what your heart tells you to. I am sure any and all efforts would be appreciated.

 a flower for NieNie and her family….