~ Autumnal ramblings and a GIVEAWAY!! ~

I pulled out my fall runner yesterday that I made last year~

   partly because it is getting cold and well, because it is October and there is  no time like the present…

When I noticed a little theme going round….


You can tell by the activity around here the temperatures are beginning to drop, all animals have claimed their spot~

Any of our three dogs may be found on a couch  either cuddled up or  just curled in a warm ball …

The kitties are no exception … they have been spent all of their time sleeping and bathing each other on my fall runner.  Of course as soon as I just pulled it out they think it is just for them, well of course they do.. they’re cats!

We brought in some of the roses ~  surely they will not be around much longer.. 

Emma gathered a lonely walnut, maple leaf and set out some of her great grandmother’s sea shells to decorate the flowers.

I love these antique tea roses, pictured are Mrs. BR Cant, and Mrs. Dudley Cross along with a few blooms from our Vitex/Chaste tree. Lovely!!

Speaking of our garden,  wait until you see the giveaway information below it is awesome!!

First a little recordkeeping~   I saw my last hummingbird on Monday, the 12th.. This is important  as I like to keep a record my little friends coming and going’s.  I am always so sad to see them go.  It will be a long few months until they are back.. see you in March little friends..  Godspeed.

   ~sorry so blurry!


Speaking of  knitting, did you see this giveaway by GardenMama? She is featuring handmade items by Down in the Meadow  Wow, I am in awe~ what fantastic work! You have to go and check it out. The giveaway ends tonight so hurry! Of course I am late to the game..

So cute!!!

I need to be sewing but all I want to do is sit and knit.. that’s it.

It might be a problem, but for now~ not so much!

~ a vision shared~


I recieved this email from my sister tonight, I hope she doesn’t mind me sharing with you…

i was in bed, trying to go to sleep for the night.  just as i was drifting off, i saw dad with robert.  they were both laughing and smiling.  dad had a big grin on his face….and when have you ever really seen him smile that big?  robert looked so happy too.  it surprised me so much that i bolted upright wide awake and i lost the dream. it was such a brief image because i woke up as soon as i saw them.  i wasn’t sure if it was really real or if it was something my mind made up because i wanted to see it.  all i know is that when i woke up, i looked at the clock and it was 10:15pm on monday night.  somehow it made me feel better, even if maybe it wasn’t real, it was real enough to me…..


Monday  night was 3 weeks, he died close to 10:15pm. Unbelievable.

Now I am crying because I feel happiness and a sense of hope that he is happy and at peace with his son.


He is a Christian and  I know he is in Heaven, I do know all of that, but the earthly me has just been so very worried.. I feel like I have just been waiting to really know.. thank you A.  Really really thank you !

   ~these 2 little friends have been with me for 2 days now.. they really are friends, one looks out while the other drinks.  Then they fly just as high and as fast as they can. I know migration is well under way but I have really enjoyed their visit…

~Birds in a bowl~

   ~I found the cutest vintage thing the other day… not exactly sure what this is supposed to be, but it has multiple birdies hanging on a string with beading. There is a very tiny bell on the very bottom.  We have it hanging on my daughter’s door as a part of her catatorium, dont ask!    I first had them  placed them in a  wooden bowl from the thrift store… 

They are the coolest thing and what I love the most is the colors of each bird with the little beading detail for eyes and beak, and a little tassel tail matching the main color of each bird…

Here they are hanging~

I found a few other little goodies that I am saving for later.

We have been enjoying the best fall ever! The weather has been warm during the day and cool at night, just perfect for roses and the last of our fall flowers~

We have been enjoying some wonderful soaking rains as well…

   ~ lovely orange mums

a little pink rose, think it is the Knockout.. it is a good doer along with all of my antique roses. This has been a great fall for roses! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

a warm fall day….

A sunny front…
front porch view
little girl in wild jungle ….

We had a really warm and sunny fall day today after a great soaking rain last night.
No hummingbirds in several days.. I think they all have finally left for good. I will be waiting to see them in March. Off to Mexico, lucky little birds. I will surely miss them. Godspeed little friends..

Fall, fall where are you?? It is so hot here, and dry.
We are still quite high in our temps. No rain in sight. So, here are some fall memories from last year.. and some pictures from early Spring.

Pumpkin garden scene from 06.

Garden rose Hybrid Musk “Prosperity”

Little bird wanting his water bath… from Spring.

Knockout rose from this Fall.

A little grove of trees at the end of our cove.

Hope your Fall is cool, pleasant and full of beautiful color!

quick little update on previous wip…


Quick little update on my embroidery attempt. I used the embroidery work and created a few borders of stash fabric to create a pillow. I backed the pillow in a chocolate suede type fabric leftover from a previous project.

Loving fall right now!

Surprise lilies popped up after our last recent rains..

This rose is Martha Gonzales, showing her pink self~ usually she is a deep red, must be the weather?!

Possibly the last fall tomatoes … I will surely miss these!

Playing with “Wolf”…